A Time To Speak

Sometimes we should just be quiet and listen.  Listen to others.  Listen to God.  Other times we should speak.  Speak up for others.  Defend the oppressed.  Share the truth.  Speak up for God. 

Yes, at times we need to be still and listen as we gather facts and feelings from others.  We have been living in a season of silence for some time. 

We are now in a season to speak.  Sometimes we need to speak to encourage.  Sometimes we need to share God’s word to try to help a floundering soul.  Sometimes we need to speak to share the truth.  The world is filled with lies and many are deceived. 

We are living in challenging times.  How do we navigate these times?  When do we speak?  When do we be quiet and listen?  If we speak, what dare we say?  Will we offend someone?  Will people believe us?  Should we worry about that? 

Many people, both unbelievers and believers, are struggling right now.  The world has become overwhelming to them.  They are discouraged.  Some are giving up.  They don’t know when to be quiet or when to speak.  It’s weighing them down and become too much to navigate.  Things are confusing.  Things aren’t always what they seem to be.  Nothing makes sense.  What is right is presented to us as wrong.  What is wrong is presented to us as right.  Morals and ethics have all but disappeared.  Truth is almost a collector item.  Sometimes, truth is even unrecognizable.     

Yes, we are living in a season.  How do you get through this season?  Pray.  Ask God to make things clear to you.  Ask God to show you the truth.  Let God use you to fulfill his  purpose.  Let Him lead you to know when it is time to keep silent and when it is a time to speak.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to say at the right time to the right people.  Turn it over to Him.  Trust.  Believe.  He won’t disappoint.  Your words are more powerful than you know.  Use them, in this season, for the right reason.  Use them for God’s purpose under the heavens.     

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
 … a time to be silent and a time to speak.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 7b