
Because I Needed a Gift

Long before I was born, I needed a gift.  Someone knew I needed a gift.  It was my Father.  My Heavenly Father.  He knew me.  He knew what I needed.  He knew what I was going to be like.  He knew my strengths and weaknesses.  He knew I couldn’t make it on my own.  He had a plan for me.  He saw me in my brokenness.  He knew that I needed a gift so that I could be saved.

With love that knows no bounds, He gave me the best and most priceless gift I could have ever imagined.  He sent a baby born of a humble beginning.  As the baby grew up, it soon became obvious that this was no ordinary gift.  You see, long before I was born, my Father had sent a Savior to the world.  He gave me the gift of His Son, Jesus.  Jesus suffered and shed His blood all because I needed a gift from Him.  I need this gift every day.  I need to see His power.  I need to feel His love and compassion.  I need to experience His forgiveness and grace.  I need to be able to hang onto His promise of eternal life. 

I needed to know more about this gift.  My Heavenly Father knew that too.  But He had already taken care of that.  He had already given me another gift.  In its truth and purity, it is found within His holy word in the Bible.

And do you know what?  My Father is your Father too.  He gave you a gift too.  The same gift He gave me.

Yes, my Father has done some magnificent things.  He knew I needed a gift.  He knew you needed a gift too.  And so He gave us a gift.  The gift that everyone needs.  The best gift ever.