The Diversity Of Writing

One of the wonderful things about writing is the diversity.  As a writer, one is dealing with a creative process, as well as a discipline to write.  Sometimes we write to meet a deadline.  Other times we write for pleasure.  Writing can be a form of therapy, as we deal with a problem or situation in our life.  Writing can also be the result of a desire to help others through our shared experiences and expertise.

When we write to convey something emotional, the process may be quite different from other types of writing.  Some times are more

conducive to writing than others.   As a writer, I have a certain environment that I find most productive.  I have a certain time of day that I am most creative.  Everyone who writes finds their own process.  We learn what works for us to most efficiently produce a meaningful document.

Writing makes one look deep within themselves, at times.   Depending on the project, there may be significant soul-searching and self-examination.   This can also impact one’s writing.

Writing can involve extensive research, as well as many interviews.   Then begins the process of sifting through that information.  What is significant and factual?  What new twists and angles have surfaced since past writings on a topic?  How do you organize this wealth of information into a user-friendly format?

Yes, the diversity of writing is part of the appeal.  It makes writing intriguing.   It is a magnet to the writer, the lover of the written word.  It is the force behind the creation of something special from the combination of only twenty-six letters in a completely unique way.  That in itself seems quite miraculous!