God Knows You

God Knows You, Really He Does!

You know that friend who really gets you?  That friend who knows when something is bothering you and when you need to talk?

Even more than that friend, God knows you. He knows your thoughts. He knows your needs. He knows your heart.  He knows when you are suffering.  He knows.  Really, he does!  Psalm 139:1 tells us “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”  Of the 7.8 billion people on earth, God knows each of us personally. Wow…that is amazing, isn’t it?  

You know that heartache that you are carrying around?  He knows how it hurts you.    You know that fear that keeps you up at night?  Yes, He knows.  You know that secret longing that you have?  He knows that too.  He knows that for each of His 7.8 billion people! 

Imagine watching over 7.8 billion people.  In our limited capacity of human reasoning, we can’t comprehend knowing all that is going on with that many people.  We can’t imagine knowing each one of them on an individual basis.   

Sandwiched between fun times and everyday life, mankind has a lot going on.   There’s illness, a broken relationship, and financial hardship.  There’s addiction and abuse.  There’s the ongoing war between good and evil.  There are the struggles of believers and non-believers.  There are the conflicts of social and political issues.  Now, let’s add a world-wide pandemic to the mix.  This adds another layer of problems.  Unemployment, supply shortages, and illness.  Loneliness from isolation? Stress and depression?  Yes, some of that too.  

At a time when people are suffering in so many ways, we can feel lost in the crowd.  We can feel like no one understands our situation—what we are going through.  We can feel like no one hears us in the noisy clamor of the world.  Every family and every person is dealing with some unique situations that are only made more challenging during a time like this. 

Where do you turn when it all seems too much?  We know God cares about us.  1 Peter 5:7 tells us, “Cast all your anxiety on him, because He cares for you.”  Yes, you!  You–one of the 7.8 billion people on earth.  And, in case you didn’t notice…it said all of your anxiety.  Not just a little.  Not just a few things, but all of your anxiety.  What a relief!  You can give it all to Him, because He cares enough to carry your burdens.

Take comfort in knowing that God knows what you are going through at this very moment.  Take comfort in remembering that He knows what is on your heart before you speak a word. Be assured that He cares for you as no one else possibly can.  He knows you far better than your best friend knows you. 

Remember the gift of Jesus and His great sacrifice made on your behalf.  Then, after you realize what you have in Him, run.  Run quickly to Him.  Be blessed by the comfort only He can give.  Because He cares.  Because He knows you.