Making My Plans

My Planner, God’s Plans

I was using my planner, but I had to remember it was not about my plans.  It’s always about God’s plans. 

I was using my planner,

but I had to remember it was not about my plans. 

It’s always about God’s plans. 

I am a planner.  Plan goals.  Make a list.  Set dates.  Write down action steps.  Like many of you, I have experienced some challenges this past year—partly because of the pandemic and partly because of health.  I had goals.  I had timelines.  They were all written in my planner.  But they had to be adjusted.   I had to do some erasing.  I had to pencil in some changes, and I had to do that more than once.  Dates changed.  Tasks changed.  Tasks were added.  Priorities changed. 

Life reminds us we need to be patient.  God underlines it and puts it in bold and italics.  When those times come, we are thankful for whatever we can get done and in whatever timeframe it takes to get it done.  Sometimes, we learn new ways to do things to accomplish the task.    

I was developing a new website.  I was writing a book.  Oh, did I mention I was retired?  Even so, I had timelines.  The website was supposed to be done before the book.  My computer started having major issues.  No problem.  It was time for a new one.  The old one had served me well.  Suddenly, nothing was easy anymore.  Finding a replacement that met my required parameters wasn’t going as planned.  There was a pandemic in progress and computers and their accessories were in high demand and limited supply.  Many people were working from home and buying computers.  Every time I found one online that met my requirements, they were sold out.  Eventually, I found one and bought one of the last two remaining ones of that model. 

As I worked on the new website, long-term health issues arose.  How was I going to get this done?  How was I going to get my book done?  Several other related projects were also delayed.   There was one obstacle after another.  I wanted to ask why, but I knew I shouldn’t. 

Finally, the website was done.  With great satisfaction, I checked it off my list.  Then I looked.  There’s more. I have a book to finish. Yes, there’s much more to do on my list. With another project done, I am thankful and I am learning.  I am learning about  patience.  Things may not get done according to my timetable.  Don’t let the clouds darken your day.  Smile and be thankful for every little good and positive thing.  Learn from God’s edits in your planner.  Underline those good and positive things and put them in bold and italics. 

When you make an entry in your planner, use a pencil instead of ink.  Why?  Because you know that God has a plan.  You know that His way is better.  His plan supersedes mine.  I trust His plan.  He gets the final say of what is written in my planner. 

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

Proverbs 16:9 NIV

4 thoughts on “My Planner, God’s Plans”

  1. How inspiring! If I have learned anything of late, it is that God’s timing is always PERFECT!!

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