God's Tissues

God’s Tissue Box

I don’t know about you, but I use a lot of facial tissue.  I mean…a LOT!  I start to get nervous when my supply dwindles.  Allergies and sinus problems mean constant nose-blowing and dabbing watery eyes.  I don’t just buy a couple of boxes of tissues when I go to the store; I buy mass quantities…the multi-packs with a dozen boxes wrapped up together.  I might even get two of those multi-packs at the same time.  My husband gets embarrassed at how much tissues I buy and use.  I can’t help it.  I can’t live without those tissues.  I have tried many brands.  I can tell you which kind is the softest, which is the most absorbent, which is too irritating to the skin, and which has too much lotion in it.  I know my tissues.  There’s one kind that is unlike any other.  That is God’s tissues.

For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;

he will lead them to springs of living water. 

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Rev 7:17 NIV

Do you ever wonder about it?  God’s tissue box, I mean.  Does it contain the huge man-sized tissues that were offered in the stores years ago?  You know, the kind that’s able to absorb the massive amounts of tears you shed as you go through life?  Or does it contain soft, soothing tissues that won’t irritate your sensitive skin as they are dabbed onto your face?   Do you picture yourself sobbing as God brings that box of tissues to you?  Do you picture yourself sitting in His lap being cradled by his loving arms as he mops up your unending tears with those tissues?   Sin and Satan cause us much heartache on this earth, but we live with the protection of God.  When the tears finally stop and your hot and sticky face needs some relief, can you imagine being refreshed by His springs of living water?  Those refreshing springs are eternal life.  

The book of Revelation says the Lamb will be your shepherd.  What?  He is the Lamb, but also your shepherd?  That is a lot to process.  He is your everything.  Everything good.  Everything positive.  Everything of God.  Words cannot fully define Him.  Hearts cannot fully contain Him.  He is bigger than you can imagine.  So is His super-sized tissue box.  In all my studies of tissues, I find God’s tissues to be the best there are. As for using them, there is no one I would rather have wipe away my tears.  God wipes away every single one of them.  I can’t live without those tissues.            

8 thoughts on “God’s Tissue Box”

  1. Well written Suezie, I do often try to wrap my head around the written word. I believe Jesus is the living word. But i feel that falling short of a complete understanding, is by human nature. Which i’m relieved from by knowing that God will never give us more than we can handle. Once again he has our back. Have a Blessed Day!

    1. Yes, Bill, He always has our back, even though we fall short. How blessed we are! Thanks for the comments and you have a blessed day, as well.

  2. Thank you Susan. Have you ever considered writing for Time of Grace devotions. I always contribute at Christmas, and because I do I get a devotionals every 3 months. You are a blessing and should consider this.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lorene. It is certainly something to consider. Let’s chat about this one of these days. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

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