Happy Valentine’s Day!

At a time when the world seems to be in turmoil and there’s so much to think about in our personal lives, as well, it is nice to have a day to step back and pause, relax, and ponder the good things in life.  

It comes every year…Valentine’s Day.  People wish you “Happy Valentine’s Day.”  Men scurry to the store to buy roses and candy.  Women give cards.  Children enjoy candy treats and their favorite cartoon characters on Valentine Cards.  How will you celebrate this fun and sometimes romantic day?  It is nice to be remembered.  It can be touching.  It is even nicer to remember others and see their smiles. 

Enjoy this special day, think about the impact of small, loving gestures on those you know.  Wouldn’t it be nice to do this more often?  We don’t have to spend money to do it.  All we have to do is reach deep within our heart and reach out to another heart.  Feels good, doesn’t it?  Enjoy this special day, my friends!