Here’s to Spring!

We’ve been waiting for what seems like an eternity!  The calendar says it is the beginning of May.  It is dreary and rainy.  There is a damp chill in the air.  The trees are starting to spew forth all sorts of strange-looking things into the air and on the ground.  Today I had to turn on my windshield wipers to remove the chunks of debris from our pollen-producing maple tree. 

I drove to Walmart and instantly detected

an odor of “dirt” when I got out of the car.  Wondering how I could be smelling dirt, I walked towards the entry to the store.  There it was…a couple of dozen plants protruding from their plastic wrappers were on display near the entry.  Even with allergies, I felt that dirt never smelled so good! 

I went to the grocery store.  The onion sets were sprouting and the potatoes were popping out eyes over their entire 360 degrees.  Summertime foods were starting to appear in the deli, even though the weather still didn’t seem to know it was spring. 

Returning home, I saw a few fine little green patches on the front lawn.  A couple of birds recklessly flitted up, down and around as only a frantic nest-builder would do. 

I thought about all the work we had to do.  I thought about planting flowers and raking.  I thought about washing windows and lawn-mowing.  I thought about cleaning the garage out and having a garage sale.  I thought about pulling weeds and moving rocks.  I thought about back-aches and pulled muscles.  I remembered icing injuries.  I remembered we needed a bigger wheel barrow.

It was then, after my shoulder and neck tensed up at the thought of all this work coming up that I wondered why on earth I liked spring.  Then…I remembered Iced Tea and Lemonade.  I remembered reading a good book in a lawn chair.  I thought of Rose-Breasted Grosebeaks and Goldfinches.   I remembered county fairs, flea markets, and cook-outs.  I remembered flower gardens and sitting by the river.  I remembered cycle rides and camping.  I remembered Corn Boils and Parades.  I remembered a feeling of peace and harmony.

Spring is good for the soul.  Here’s to spring!