The 7 Biggest Mistakes Cancer Caregivers Make

Sometimes caregivers do the right thing.  Sometimes they struggle to figure out what the right thing is. 

Avoiding these caregiver mistakes will help make life easier and reduce stress:

  1. Trying to do it all alone. The mistake here is not seeking or accepting help from others.
  2. Not taking care of their physical needs. Caregivers often experience a lack of sleep.  They may not be eating right, or exercising.  They may not go to the Doctor, as usual.
  3. Not taking care of their mental and emotional needs. Often caregivers do not give themselves an outlet for stress.  They may not take a break and get away for a few hours, or a day, or a weekend.  Some may sacrifice doing things they normally enjoy doing.
  4. Some caregivers experience a denial of the true condition and prognosis of their loved one. This actually adds to their stress levels.  They believe their loved one is in better condition than they are and feel stressed when they see evidence that points to the contrary.  They can’t understand why their loved one isn’t eating right, is withdrawn, or depressed.
  5. Many cancer caregivers neglect to take advantage of many good resources for help. Assistance is often available with insurance, finances, patient navigators, nurse’s hotlines and volunteer help.  In these days of more readily available information via clinics, the internet, cell phones, and various computer applications, there is more knowledge for caregivers to access.  Of course you want to ensure you follow the medical advice of your loved one’s doctor and nurse, but utilizing the resources available will help you be able to have some productive conversations with your loved one and your loved one’s medical professionals.
  6. Not knowing how to respond to and interact with their loved one following the initial diagnosis or a prognosis with less than encouraging news.
  7. In general, not knowing how to carry on and live life in the best manner possible for your loved one and yourself in spite of what is happening to your loved one and your loved one’s family.

Avoid these caregiver mistakes and you will be better equipped to getting through the tough times in a positive way.

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